The pattern of Infantry Sword 1845 underwent a slight metamorphosis resulting in the current Brigade of Guards Sword which was approved in 1854. Designed in steel finish, it was devoid of hinged flap containing the individual guard's regimental badge on the cartouche. However the Dress Regulations of 1857 ordered that the blade of the sword should be “embossed” with battle honours and regimental badges, the tradition which is preserved till date.
The sword is carried today in a nickel plated steel scabbard with a shoe, mouthpiece and two suspension bands and rings. The sword is also available with a leathered Sam Browne scabbard for service wear.
- Blade length: 825 mm
- Blade width at hilt: 25 mm
Grenadier Guards' Sword : 8465-99-973-6882
Nickel-Plated Scabbard : 8465-99-973-6853
Brown Leather Scabbard : 8465-99-127-9993